The joke I can’t tell anymore…

It’s so old, most people won’t get it. But it still cracks me up.

– What’s the definition of an optimist?

– An accordion player with a pager.


Which leads me to the subject of obsolescence and artificial intelligence.

And why I’m not worried about AI in publishing.

A book is writing, but it’s mucho more.

It’s a title, subtitle, cover, description, layout… a multi-faceted product.

It’s a reader experience with a thousand almost-intangibles.

It’s the revealing opening dedication, and the humble acknowledgements.

There are 100 interconnected details to dial in, if it’s going to be excellent overall.

And a book is connected to the author, their brand, personality, business goals, and dreams

Besides, a publisher won’t touch a book written by AI. And no self-respecting author would give their readers something they have not put their heart into.

Don’t be distracted by technology.

Communicate accordionly.