by admin | Jan 28, 2025 | Books, Brand, Business
Why do I preach the 3B approach? (Book, Brand, and Business Plan) Because they’re all connected, and most have experience with only one or two facets. If you’re going to write and market a book, or want a publisher to acquire your book, you...
by admin | Oct 5, 2023 | Books, Brand, Publishing
Which is worse — not publishing a book, or having a garage full of unsold books? Some would say it’s worse to not “ship” your book, or better to have written and lost than never to have written at all. I disagree. Because there’s another option. Instead of being a...
by admin | Aug 21, 2023 | Books, Publishing, Writing
(And only one page is part of your manuscript!) Writers rightly obsess about a manuscript. Keep doing that. But here are overlooked elements that make a book successful. And by “successful” I mean outcomes that go beyond the purchase of a book to build your brand and...
by admin | Aug 30, 2021 | Books, Brand
I was advising an author recently about his book launch and realized that he was pouring all his time and energy into making sure this book was a success. What’s the problem with that, Mike? Well, books come and go. In five years, this book will be a memory, and at...
by admin | May 26, 2021 | Books, Publishing
Books can make, break, or elevate a brand. A book is the ultimate business card and a creative way to expand your voice. Most of all, publishing a book is a powerful way to share your story and expertise in a way that can change someone’s life. I can’t imagine my...
by admin | Feb 27, 2021 | Books, Publishing
You’re working on a book. But are you focused on the right elements? I’m not asking about grammar, voice, and flow. I’m referring to the most overlooked aspect of the business of writing: your personal brand. Believe it or not, your brand is more important than your...