Case Study: Idea To Published Author in 15 Months

Which is worse — not publishing a book, or having a garage full of unsold books? Some would say it’s worse to not “ship” your book, or better to have written and lost than never to have written at all. I disagree. Because there’s another option. Instead of being a...

The 9 Most Important Pages in Your Book

(And only one page is part of your manuscript!) Writers rightly obsess about a manuscript. Keep doing that. But here are overlooked elements that make a book successful. And by “successful” I mean outcomes that go beyond the purchase of a book to build your brand and...

Connect with Influencers in Three Sentences

Let’s face it, some of the most gifted writers are terrible at networking. And it’s hurting their careers. The most influential people are also busy people. They’re not rude (usually) but simply don’t have time to read your life story in an email. With brief,...

10 Mistakes Authors Make on their First Book

Books can make, break, or elevate a brand. A book is the ultimate business card and a creative way to expand your voice. Most of all, publishing a book is a powerful way to share your story and expertise in a way that can change someone’s life. I can’t imagine my...

Know This About Publishers and Agents

Nonfiction writers who want to be published by a legit house, and represented by a real-deal agent, should know this… With rare exceptions (where clear sales potential is identified) an agent (like me) can only take on projects where the author has a sizable...

5 Reasons your Brand is More Important than your Book

You’re working on a book. But are you focused on the right elements? I’m not asking about grammar, voice, and flow. I’m referring to the most overlooked aspect of the business of writing: your personal brand. Believe it or not, your brand is more important than your...