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My 3B Approach

Why do I preach the 3B approach? (Book, Brand, and Business Plan) Because they're all connected, and most have experience with only one or two facets.  If you're going to write and market a book,  or want a publisher to acquire your book,  you need a solid...

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It’s the Obstacles

When coaching and consulting, or growing your brand and business, remember that a lack of "bright ideas" is usually not the issue. In my experience anyway, the key to growth is removing unnecessary obstacles. 80% getting rid of barriers you're unaware of 20% new...

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The 9 Most Important Pages in Your Book

(And only one page is part of your manuscript!) Writers rightly obsess about a manuscript. Keep doing that. But here are overlooked elements that make a book successful. And by “successful” I mean outcomes that go beyond the purchase of a book to build your brand and...

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A Theology of Business Referrals

Referrals are the best way to build a business. I’d even argue that without them, your business is doomed. The number of referrals you receive is an indicator of the health of your enterprise. And the type of referrals you receive indicates how you’re perceived by the...

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Platform Schmatform! True Success Without the Stress

Are you stressed about growing your platform? (Your email list and the number of followers on social media) More like obsessed, right? Do you know the number of social media followers, accurate to within 3 people? How many times per week do you check?   A...

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Seven Things I Learned Writing with Gary Smalley

(This post was written in 2016 as a tribute.) I couldn’t believe my ears. “Would you be interested in helping Gary Smalley on his next book?” “Um, yeah!” was my reply. As soon as I hung up the phone, mild panic set in… Dr. Gary Smalley sold tens of millions of books...

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Start Saying “No!” (Trombone Arms)

I grew up in a house jammed with music. Drums, anyway. My dad was a drummer, so a kit was part of the living room furniture and a part of my childhood. In fourth grade, it was finally time to join the school band. My classmates and I lined up to select our weapons of...

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6 Ways Your Day Job Can Help You Launch Your Dream

(Note: This post originally appeared in Entrepreneur Magazine)   You can start your dream business — at your current job! Here are six reasons why your current job is the best launch pad.   1. Moolah Right now, in your current job, you’re being paid, right? ...

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Your Book is Not Your Boss

I was advising an author recently about his book launch and realized that he was pouring all his time and energy into making sure this book was a success. What’s the problem with that, Mike? Well, books come and go. In five years, this book will be a memory, and at...

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Connect with Influencers in Three Sentences

Let’s face it, some of the most gifted writers are terrible at networking. And it’s hurting their careers. The most influential people are also busy people. They’re not rude (usually) but simply don’t have time to read your life story in an email. With brief,...

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10 Mistakes Authors Make on their First Book

Books can make, break, or elevate a brand. A book is the ultimate business card and a creative way to expand your voice. Most of all, publishing a book is a powerful way to share your story and expertise in a way that can change someone’s life. I can’t imagine my...

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Know This About Publishers and Agents

Nonfiction writers who want to be published by a legit house, and represented by a real-deal agent, should know this... With rare exceptions (where clear sales potential is identified) an agent (like me) can only take on projects where the author has a sizable email...

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Contact Mike

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Strategy and execution for your book, brand, business, & big ideas.

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